Erotic stories of Nile Reaves
Profile page of Nile Reaves. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Nile Reaves wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 6.7K times
A Daily Gym Thing DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT TRUE AND IS SIMPLY A STORY. So I recently started going to a gym. I’m gonna leave the name out but it was a fairly new gym that was “all that” apparently. My names Nile. I’m 16 and from NJ. I’ve been having gay fantasies ever since I was around 14, always from the sub bottom perspective. I’ve always drooled over the throughly if sucking another mans cock, and letting him cum in my mouth in pleasure, and eventually had a ting where I wanted to try anal. None if this ever ... reading time 11 mingenreGaywritten on